Sunday, February 9, 2014

Bloggers Lens: Between Beverly, Angelo & Arends Candice

While y’all are busy hating, Beverly is probably doing mathematical equation of what she’d do if she eventually walk away with the grand prize. Perhaps relocate to the Caribbean, get a man and start a family.If spreading her legs will do the trick, she’s proved it already; at 21, she did give ashi’s a run for their clitoris, lol.  Angelo is one lucky dude; the paradise he sojourned, the men that will give  their left foot for  a mere sightseeing. Life can be a bastard, a contradiction - two beauties and a beast.  

Someone said Angelo is perhaps playing out a script he planned out with his beau back home. Isn’t the eyes fixed on the prize. What is it called? Strategies…strategizing? Beverly became the perfect pawn: black, young, beautiful, eager to taste the waters: what bait could be better. The journey began; our curse - his blessings. The actors and the theatre: the peak of suspense. Who is the protagonist… and the villain? 

I look at her face, I see innocence yet in it I see a void. Could Angelo have seen it too? Let us not derail; the subject, aha Angelo’s beau, Arends Candice. As I read, she is a model - so is our Beverly. Black, white, beauties, similarities.  I guess the twists make the play better.  Could it be true this is all a game plan. Can Angelo give up his present world for the one he left behind? Only time will tell.

Beverly opened the canker worm of her dysfunctional background on live TV. The rantings, the backslash, the curses even from people who have tasted the same waters? Ironies, nay futility.  What did you expect from a faulty foundation…Aso rock? While we bicker and pour venom, let us not forget the innate lessons. Beverly is a song to be sung. Whether she wins or loses, the society and rehabilitation centres await her return. 

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